Make awesome scenery and terrain for your tabletop
We love to make tabletop scenery and terrain and want to help you do that too.
You may feel that you don’t have the time or the skills to make what you want, but we are here to help you with that, to provide materials and tools that take some of the hard work out of it and lets you enjoy the fun creative bit.
Our Textured Foam Sheets are perfect for the beginner, just starting on their scenery building adventure, and for the experienced builder who wants to save some time and effort.
Combine our materials and accessories with your own imagination and the possibilities are endless.
Building scenery with little foam bricks can be fun, but isn’t exactly quick. That’s not the case with these new XPS foam blocks.
“Benji’s Hobbies” Youtube channel recently featured the Town Ruins kit and he did a great job putting it together.